My Journey

On this blog I intend to document my journey through Breast Cancer again. Yes again. This will be my second go with this disease and I figured this would be a great way to communicate with my family and friends and keep them informed as to what is going on with me.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

How is it that you can hurt so bad for someone you know? I feel as if I was just diagnosed again with Cancer. That feeling of depression, of uncontrollable emotion and that feeling of just wanting to be alone has come over me all over again. One of my best friends just informed me that she has Breast Cancer.

I met Kelly 13 years ago through my ex-husband. She is the wife of his best friend Eric and even through my divorce, Kelly, Eric and I have remained friends. Each year they pack their things from Connecticut and head down hear for the Daytona 500. We have been spending that time together for YEARS!! For the most part, that is the only time that we get to see each other. Since my diagnosis, Kelly has sent me so many things to lift my spirits. She is such a generous and giving person that she made sure that I knew that she was thinking of me. She now has 2 beautiful girls and is about 8 months pregnant with her 3rd. Today, she told me that she has Breast Cancer. Can you imagine?? Being told that you have Cancer while still carrying your 3rd child? She will have surgery next week to remove the cancerous area and to find out how bad it is. PLEASE PRAY that it has not gone to her lymph nodes!! She will then need to wait 6 weeks, then they will deliver the baby. Immediately after that she will begin Chemo.

She has given me what her treatment plans looks like it is going to be based on her conversation with her Oncologist and luckily I have been through it. She will go through the Chemo that will make her really sick and her hair will fall out. I have given her some things to expect, but as it comes closer, we will talk some more. Matter of fact, I am having additional surgery shortly after my honeymoon and once I am able to move around, I plan on going up there to go with her to some of her treatments. She said that she may start her own blog, so if she does, I will be sure to let everyone know. She truly has been a strong force in my life, whether she knows it or not. She is one of the most understanding people I know. No matter what I did in my life, she was still there to support me (even though some of the decisions I made were horrible!). Now it is my turn to be there for her. I have to be honest with you though, I don't know that I quite understand all of this. This is going against everything. The chances of friends like she and I having the same type of Cancer is rare. Why did she have to get it? Why couldn't I have gotten it again? I mean, I have gone through it twice. What is one more time? Don't get me wrong, I know that she will get through this, really I do, but it is going to suck!! I don't wish this upon anyone and knowing that she is going to have to face it just hurts my heart so bad!

Well, before I go I just want to give everyone an update on me. Not that this is anything compared to what Kelly is going through right now, but I don't want anyone not to know. I have been having some issues again in my pelvic area and I had a follow up appointment with my OBGYN. It appears that my Endometriosis is back and I have to have a Hysterectomy. I will be doing that on June 4th. I will keep everyone updated as that gets closer.

Please pray for my friend Kelly and her family. Pray that they are able to come to an understanding about all of this. I know it is difficult, even for me, to understand why this is happening right now.


At 8:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tasha-The reason why you couldn't get it again is because you have already been through enough. It is someone else turn to take it from you. That being said I think the Cancer has picked the wrong person this time. As the husband to the women who it is now effecting I can speak from past experience with her. She is by far the toughest person I know. I know I wouldn't be half the man I am today if it wasn't for her. I know I may not tell her that. (It's a pride thing) I do know that I will be the rock that she needs to get through this. I know with your help and support and the prayers of not only our friends and families, but everyone you have asked to pray as well. We will beat this together. So Thank You in advance and Good Luck to the Cancer with this girl. It doesn't stand a chance.

At 5:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know that you are a strong woman and a wonderful encouragement to the friend who now has breast cancer. I know that you don't like for anyone to say that you are a hero because of what you have went through. You are an inspiration to others and I for one deeply admire you for it. You have taken the "bull by the horn" so to speak and have not let the cancer get the better of you. Yes, you are a survivor, in many of the trials that God has put you through. I can see that you have only become closer to Him and the joy of the Lord truly shines through you, Darryl and your Mom. I know my trials through life has brought me closer to Him. He told us to give our burdens to Him and He would help us bear them. Your Aunt Joyce really needs prayer and uplifting because the store is not doing as well as we hoped in the beggining. I know that it will take a while to get established and I feel like God is trying to make her rely(?) on Him, and not just in herself. I Love You Tasha, I know that we don't get to hear or see much of each other, but you are so precious to me. I Praise God that He sent you Darryl. I admire him so much for sticking around for you as you went thru everything that you had to. Not too many men would do that and I am so proud of him for it. Tell Darryl hi for me and that I love him too!!


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