My Journey

On this blog I intend to document my journey through Breast Cancer again. Yes again. This will be my second go with this disease and I figured this would be a great way to communicate with my family and friends and keep them informed as to what is going on with me.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Round 2.......So far so good. I have completed 2 rounds of weekly Chemo treatments and have come out fine. Don't get me wrong I have had a couple of side effects, but nothing like my last treatments. I have had some minor bone aches, one nose bleed, some digestive issues and a little tired from time to time. This I can handle as long as it stays this way.

We did the Race for the Cure yesterday, which was awesome!! I am hoping to be on the planning committee for next year's race. I really want people to understand that there is another face of breast cancer and that is younger than the age of 40. I can't wait to start getting more involved in the fight. I began reading this book called "Nordies at Noon". It is about 4 women who were diagnosed with Breast Cancer at an early age. One at the age of 24, two at the age of 27 and one at the age of 30. All of them began putting their efforts into one organization or another to help with the fight and I want to do the same. The book is wonderful and I suggest it for all to read. If you want to know what I have gone through, this book details it very well. It is amazing to me that we all end up having the same thoughts and feelings about this disease. Everyone deals with things so differently that I really assumed that we would all have different questions and different thoughts, but as it turns out we really do think the same. I always thought that I was just paranoid about everything, but these women felt the same and were able to put their thoughts down on paper in their own words.

I go back to work tomorrow. Part time for now atleast until I am done with my weekly treatments. I will work a minimum of 4 hours Monday through Thursday and get my treatments on Friday. It will be good for me to get back in the swing of things. I will let you all know how it is working out. I know I continue to say it, but again, Thank you for all the Prayers!! I know that is the only reason that I have been able to get through this is my faith in God and my support from my wonderful family and friends. Love you!!!


At 5:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love you Tasha,I am so proud of you and your strength,also for your desire to help others in this fight. We're behind you and are still praying for you and will continue to do so. It is so refreshing to see you channeling your thoughts and energy in a positive manner.YOU'RE A WINNER ALL THE WAY.
Love ya
Grandma & Jenny

At 8:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your Grandma is right.. 100 percent fighter AND a winner! You are a living breathing testimony to God's might, Tasha.. stay strong and know you are loved and prayed for..


At 3:15 PM, Blogger Marie said...

I saw a shirt recently that said, "Happiness is...helping your sister beat breast cancer!" That says it all right there! You have brought me so much happiness and I am so proud of you. Know that I am always just a phone call away! You keep fighting and I'll keep praying and together we shall be be the wonder twins fighting all evil known as cancer!

Peace Out


At 11:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Tasha,
I am so proud of you. Keep on being the sweet and brave young woman that you are.
I believe that your influence and experience will give other women the courage to go on not only from breast cancer but other illness and personal situations they see as impossible to face. Just remember that you are much loved and prayed for by me as well as many others. As long as we believe that G O D I S A B L E to sustain us in all things we will be at peace with all things.
Love, Aunt Joyce

At 9:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is the first time that I have logged onto your blog. It is very inspiring for me to read your story. I know nothing about what you are going through. However, you remain an inspiration to me and I am sure to many others as well. I am so glad to have you back at work. It is nice to see your shining face. I am very proud of all that you continue to accomplish and of your spirit which is the reason that you are winning this fight.


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